§ 1

General Provisions

  1. The Rules and Regulations regulate the use of the Park & Ride car park located at Barlickiego Street in Świnoujście on plots nos. 12, 13/1, 14 and 19/5 precinct 0014.
  2. The car park is a public and unguarded car park.
  3. The car park is intended for people using cars, changing to other modes of transport, including but not limited to public transport lines and buses and coaches carrying out collective transport.
  4. By entering the car park, the user agrees to the terms and conditions outlined in the Rules and Regulations and undertakes to comply with them.

§ 2


Terms used in the Rules and Regulations shall mean:

  1. Rules and Regulations - these car park rules and regulations;
  2. car park - Park & Ride car park;
  3. the owner of the car park - the Municipality of Świnoujście;
  4. Property manager - the entity with whom the Municipality of Świnoujście will conclude a contract for the management of the car park;
  5. passenger car - a motor vehicle designed for the carriage of no more than 9 persons, including the driver;
  6. bus/coach - a vehicle carrying out collective passenger transport;
  7. user - an individual driving a passenger car and using a car park;
  8. parking space - a separate area within a car park intended for the parking of a passenger car;
  9. parking day - duration of 24 hours from entry to the car park;
  10. ticket entitling to free travel on public transport - printout from a parking ticket office entitling to free travel on public transport vehicles in Świnoujście during the actual parking of a passenger car in the car park for the driver and passengers (up to a maximum of 5 people in total). This includes, among other things, the registration number of the passenger car and the date and time of entry into the car park;
  11. disciplinary penalty - a penalty payable by the user for non-compliance with the rules in cases specified in the regulations.

§ 3

Principles of Car Park operation

  1. The Car Park is open seven days a week, 24 hours a day.
  2. The car park may be taken out of use temporarily for good cause.
  3. The rules of the Traffic Law apply in the car park. The maximum speed for cars in the car park is 10 km/h.
  4. When entering the car park by car, please:
    1. stop in front of the barrier and wait for the number plate to be read by the camera,
    2. once the barrier has been raised, immediately drive into the car park and place your passenger car in a vacant parking space.
  5. It is forbidden to park cars outside the designated areas for parking.
  6. The passenger car, when placed in a parking space, should be stationary, with the ignition and lights off, windows, doors and boot closed.
  7. The user is obliged to leave the passenger car in such a way that it occupies one parking space.
  8. Access to the car park by bus/coach is only possible in one of the spaces designated for the parking of this type of vehicle, upon written agreement with the manager on the dates and rules for parking. Once parked in the bus/coach parking area, the vehicle must be immobilised and the ignition and lights switched off.
  9. The following are prohibited in the car park:
    1. smoking,
    2. alcohol consumption,
    3. littering,
    4. Repairing, washing, vacuuming and refuelling cars,
    5. using open flames,
    6. undertaking activities that do not comply with health, safety and hygiene regulations,
    7. acting contrary to the rules of social intercourse or interfering with the use of the car park,
    8. leaving people and animals in the passenger car while parked in the car park.
  10. The parking of a passenger car in the car park can last up to a maximum of 16 hours during a parking day.
  11. Bus parking can last indefinitely.
  12. For parking a car or bus in a car park for a period of time in accordance with the specified in point 10 shall not be charged.
  13. The user is entitled to free travel on public transport vehicles in Świnoujście (has a 100% discount for up to 5 persons), during the actual parking of the passenger car in the car park, on the basis of the parking receipt printed from the parking ticket office (the condition is that all persons must travel together, as one ticket will be issued).
  14. In order to exercise the entitlement set out in point 13, a car registration number must be entered at the parking counter and the driver must collect a printout of the ticket entitling you to free travel on public transport.
  15. The entitlement set out in paragraph 13 shall not apply when the passenger car is not parked in the car park. In that case, travel on public transport is carried out in violation of the Rules of Carriage approved by Resolution of the City Council of Świnoujście No. XXXII/251/2017 of 9 February 2017.
  16. If a passenger car is found parked in the car park for more than the permitted parking time, i.e. more than 16 hours, the user is obliged to pay a parking fine in the amount of PLN 200.00 (in words: two hundred zloty 00/100) at the parking ticket counter. A parking penalty will be charged for each consecutive day of parking from the expiry of the 16 hours of correct parking time.
  17. If a passenger car is found parked in a car park outside the designated parking space, the user is liable to pay a fine in the amount of PLN 150.00 (in words: one hundred zloty and fifty 00/100). If, in addition, such
    a vehicle endangers traffic safety or obstructs the passage, it will be repositioned or towed and the cost of repositioning or towing will be added to the fine. The penalty shall be paid into the bank account of the administrator within 7 days from its issue.
  18. When leaving the car park, please:
    1. stop in front of the barrier and wait for the number plate to be read by the camera,
    2. once the barrier has been raised, leave the car park immediately,
    3. if the barrier is not lifted, go to the parking ticket office, enter the registration number of the car and to pay the fine specified in point 16.
  19. Compliance with these rules and regulations in the car park shall be monitored by the manager's staff holding a personalised photo ID signed by the director of this unit who are authorised to impose the disciplinary penalty described in paragraph 17.
  20. A car park user disputing the legitimacy of a penalty payment may, within the time limit of 14 days from the date of payment, submit a written or electronic complaint to the administrator's address. The complaint should contain at least the following information: date of payment of the penalty, registration number of the passenger car, name and surname, address of residence and a brief description of the reason for the complaint.
  21. If the complaint is upheld, the disciplinary penalty is cancelled and the payment made is returned to the complainant. In the event of a refusal, the user is informed in writing or by e-mail.
  22. Any other information can be obtained from the manager's office, weekdays between 9am and 3pm.

The administrator of the car park is Komunikacja Autobusowa Sp. z o. o. [Bus Transit Limited Liability Company], ul. Karsiborska 33a, 72-600 Świnoujście.

Any other information can be obtained at the office of Komunikacja Autobusowa Sp. z o.o., 72-600 Swinoujscie, ul. Grunwaldzka 72, on working days from 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. or by calling +48 91 577 97 76.

For emergencies, please call 797 403 504.